Focus on the secrets for a real detox cure!
How to achieve a real detox cure? Focus on the little tips and tricks to help you!
What exactly is a detox?
Detox is short for detoxification. This is the elimination of toxins present in the body. Some plants are the stars of detox: black radish, artichoke, birch or even dandelion . They support the body in its daily work of detoxification.
Is there a good time to start a detox cure?
The right time to start a detox cure is unique to each person. It all depends on your wants and needs.
- A detox in the spring is ideal to eliminate the excesses of the winter
- A detox in summer makes it possible to have more seasonal fruits and vegetables available, which are good for eliminating toxins.
- A detox in autumn eliminates the stress of the start of the school year and prevents the cold season that is coming.
- A detox in winter is perfect to eliminate the (big) excesses of the holidays
If each detox is different, you must start one of them when you are sure you can spend several days in peace: a long weekend or vacation for example. A real detox is not always compatible with the stress and hectic pace of everyday life!

The detox cure, is it really a good idea to lose weight?
Yes, chances are that your detox treatment will affect the balance, but if you really want long-term effects, it is essential to decide to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle and to make good resolutions. beyond the detox cure!
For a little extra boost, you can also opt for detox food supplements with powerful active ingredients, which will help you eliminate toxins more easily, while maintaining a "normal" lifestyle, without depriving you of food. during many days.
Among the powerful slimming active ingredients, we find in particular green tea and guarana with strong powers for:
- Activate fat burning
- Fight excess weight
- Eliminate excess pounds
Are detox cures really effective in improving the beauty of the skin?
Do you know what they say? Inner beauty will always have an impact on outer beauty! By having a healthy and balanced diet, you will therefore necessarily have a prettier skin.
You can also take dietary supplements rich in radiant beauty oils such as:
- Borage oil
- Evening primrose oil

What are the signs that show that my body really needs a detox cure?
Here are the 5 signs to watch out for:
- Difficulty losing weight or unexplained weight gain
- Dull complexion
- Difficulties digesting
- Unexplained tiredness
- sleep disorders

How long does a detox cure last?
It all depends on the detox cure you are doing! When you choose a detox cure with food supplements, the dosage can vary from 10 to 30 days. All indications are mentioned on the chosen product!
Is a detox cure effective in the long term?
A detox cure can be effective in the long term, provided that you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle in addition to the cures. This goes through diet, lifestyle and physical activities to practice regularly.