How to fight joint pain to regain comfort and serenity? We take stock
Age, sport, bad posture, menopause… Many causes are responsible for joint discomfort! Fortunately, there are natural solutions to combat these pains. We are talking about it !

I have pain in the joints, do I necessarily have osteoarthritis?
Joint pain does not necessarily mean osteoarthritis. There are several pathologies:
- Osteoarthritis : cartilage wear, mainly in the elderly, overweight, in great athletes and postmenopausal women
- Arthritis : inflammation or infection of a joint, acute or chronic
- Other pain : caused by trauma, injury to tendons or ligaments
If we always recommend a medical follow-up when the pain persists, some can be relieved thanks to natural solutions rich in active ingredients acting on the joints:
- Turmeric and its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient that acts favorably on inflammation and the preservation of articular cartilage.
- Harpagophytum , more commonly known as devil's claw, is recognized by the WHO to relieve joint pain and promote better mobility.
Arthritis, osteoarthritis, how to tell the difference?
The cause and the pains are different between arthritis and osteoarthritis:
- Arthritis : The causes are infectious, immune and metabolic. Inflammatory-type pain is also felt at night and is not relieved by resting the affected limb
- Osteoarthritis : The causes are of anatomical or traumatic origin. Mechanical type pain is triggered when the body is in motion, but is reduced by rest
If arthritis requires medical care and drug treatment, osteoarthritis can be relieved naturally, especially with food supplements rich in active ingredients such as turmeric, harpagophytum or even blackcurrant. They will promote the comfort and mobility of the joints by strengthening the bone capital!

My joints hurt, is it related to menopause?
YES ! This period of a woman's life that results in a drop in estrogen production is closely linked to the worsening of joint pain. Studies have proven that estrogen has local activity in the cartilage. With menopause, women are therefore more likely to suffer from stiffness and joint pain.
Here are some tips to fight these pains naturally:
- For the feet and ankles: opt for suitable shoes with soles that absorb shocks and stabilize walking
- For the hands: manipulate a soft ball in your hands, squeezing it hard and releasing it gently to strengthen the muscles
- For the knees: contract the muscles surrounding the joint without moving it and repeat the operation several times
- We recommend that you, in addition to these small exercises, add suitable food supplements to your routine. The goal? Find comfort and serenity while fighting the inconvenience of menopause and osteoarthritis.

Can my weight affect my joint pain?
When you are overweight, the joints are unfortunately strained more than they should be, especially the knees. When walking, the knees have to support a force that represents 3 to 6 times the weight of the body.
The solutions ?
- Practice regular physical activity, but not just any sport. If you are overweight, it is advisable to give preference to sports that do not involve shock. For example, favor swimming, which works the whole body without weight on your joints.
- Joint pain or not, it is recommended to adopt a healthy and balanced diet. Do not hesitate to call on a nutritionist to change your eating habits without developing deficiencies.

My knees hurt when I run, is it a joint problem?
Did you know ? Localized pain in the knees is called gonalgia and can be triggered by several factors when you practice an activity such as running, which puts a lot of strain on this part of the body.
- A bad position when you run (in this case ask a professional for advice on how to fix it!)
- Bad shoes ! Playing sports requires quality equipment so that there are no repercussions on your body!
- Joint trauma that can wake up running. In these cases, it is recommended that you rest
A natural solution to treat joint pain?
Among the best known and most effective natural solutions are turmeric, harpagophytum or blackcurrant.
Omega 3, found in small oily fish such as sardines or anchovies, also play a favorable role in joint pain.
I often have neck pain in the morning when I wake up, how can I explain it? What are the things to do to avoid it?
The first thing to do in the morning if you have neck pain? Stretch! Take 5 minutes in the morning to wake up your muscles and release the pain that has set in overnight.
If the problem is recurrent, perhaps it is your pillow, which is not adapted to your position. Change it! If the pain persists and is recurrent, seek the advice of a doctor.

5 tips to protect your joints
- Exercise, paying attention to the type of sport you practice so as not to cause too much trauma to the joints. Remember that it is important to move and get some fresh air as often as possible.
- Choose good, comfortable and shock-absorbing shoes! Avoid shoes that are too flat and favor those that hold the ankles well.
- After having made a physical effort, if you feel pain, you must act immediately! Cool your joints with ice for 10 to 15 minutes.
- If you have really bad knee or ankle pain, rest and exert as little effort as possible! If after two or three days, the pain persists, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
- To prevent these pains on a daily basis, opt for food supplement cures adapted for joint comfort!