Bloating, constipation, swollen belly... What solutions against digestion problems?
Do you suffer from bloating, constipation or other? And on a daily basis, it's really not easy to manage! And if we talked about it… without taboo!
After my meals, my stomach often swells and hurts, how can I relieve this?
Here are a few tips that may help you:
- Take the time to chew ! This is a point too often overlooked. Taking time to eat aids digestion and reduces swelling.
- Avoid drinking during meals. Water dilutes the digestive juices necessary for efficient digestion of food. It is therefore preferable to drink before or after the meal.
- There are also certain foods to eat if you are prone to bloating, such as:
- cooked vegetables
- If you are a fan of cheese, prefer those with a cooked paste. The low amount of lactose in these cheeses makes them more digestible.
- Fruit, as ripe as possible (pear, banana) and if possible cooked.
- Think of herbs and spices like caraway, rosemary, mint and many more. They have antispasmodic or carminative properties that will help your body during digestion. - If the pain is very present, lie down for a few minutes and gently massage your belly in a clockwise direction.

I take sodas regularly, can this explain my swollen belly? If so, should I quit completely?
Sodas can indeed be the cause of your bloating. With carbonated drinks, you just add air to your body. And obviously, you have more trouble evacuating it than ingesting it. In addition, sodas contain either sugar or fake sugar. In both cases, there may be fermentation during digestion.
I t is therefore preferable to stop sodas and especially to avoid them during meals!
How to prevent constipation on a daily basis?
There are many habits you can incorporate into your daily life if you suffer from constipation on a regular basis.
- Drink water . Something that seems obvious but is too often overlooked. Drink at least 1.5L of water a day to facilitate your transit. You can also consume infusions or waters rich in magnesium (such as Hepar) which have real benefits on digestion.
- Eat slowly. Take the time to chew, your gut will thank you!
- Exercise regularly. If you manage to do 30 minutes of sport 3 times a week, it will help you (and bring you) a lot. By strengthening your abs, you will facilitate your transit!
- A small digestive walk will also help you activate your intestinal transit. Even 10 minutes after lunch or dinner!
- Do not hesitate to make cures of food supplements intended to facilitate the transit. Based on fibers or gentle laxative plants, they can relieve you when necessary.

Since I'm menopausal, I have real problems with digestion, is this normal?
Yes, it's completely normal because menopause often has a negative impact on transit. The functioning of the colon can be slowed down by the reduction in progesterone levels. Your stools therefore stay longer inside your colon, they then tend to harden, causing constipation. Your perineum also plays a role in the expulsion of stool. So, when it becomes less toned because of a decrease in estrogen levels, you have more difficulty going to the bathroom.

What foods should I eat if I am constipated?
If you suffer from constipation, there are specific foods that will give you immediate relief and others that will help you in the long run.
- Foods containing fiber : prunes, dried fruits such as apricots, figs.
- Water ! Drinking between 1.5L and 2L a day can really make a difference.
- Drinking a fresh citrus juice in the morning on an empty stomach can also help. Take a large glass in the morning before your breakfast and you will immediately feel the benefits of citrus fruits which are considered natural laxatives!
- Do not hesitate to consume different plants, for example in the form of infusions . Rosemary, fennel, green anise or liquorice. All these plants will help your body to digest better!
Can stress affect digestion?
Stress , in addition to impacting you mentally, can have a strong effect on digestion. He can even mess it up. Most of the time, stress will tend to cause and/or worsen bloating or gas and can lead to constipation, the onset of diarrhea, stomach pain, etc.
If you are going through a particularly stressful time, do not hesitate to take dietary supplements that can relieve the various digestive disorders you are experiencing.

What are probiotics used for?
Probiotics are live bacteria or yeasts, which play a beneficial role for our body. For example, probiotics can regulate intestinal transit, reduce diarrhea, improve irritable bowel syndrome and promote good digestion...
These are not a miracle cure, they do not dispense with food rebalancing. On the other hand, they will be of great help in relieving digestive ailments and allowing a resolution of problems in the long term.
Zoom on these 9 foods to avoid when you have trouble digesting!
- Dairy products that are not very digestible.
- Soft drinks . Better to avoid adding air to your intestines if you already suffer from bloating.
- Raw vegetables that can irritate your intestines. Of course, it all depends on how much you eat.
- Synthetic sugars . Very difficult to digest, they go against digestive well-being.
- Alcohol or coffee which contain many irritating substances.
- Processed products are also to be banned. Their digestion being very slow, it will not help you to get better.
- Chewing gums ! Chewing will cause you to swallow a large amount of air. Your digestion will be slowed down and your belly will be even more swollen.
- Legumes . Consumed in excess, they can be difficult to digest for some people. To consume in moderation if this is the case!
- Vegetables containing sulphur , fiber and sugar such as artichokes, leeks, or cabbage should be limited. They tend to ferment during digestion, sometimes creating painful gas.